The Alliance of National Heritage Areas is dedicated to preserving and promoting America’s past to ensure a better, more perfect tomorrow.
National Heritage Areas are a proven model of shared responsibility resulting in a cost-effective approach for the National Park Service to preserve, protect, and share the significant stories of America. We accomplish this through grass-roots coordination with local jurisdictions, non-profits and other private partners to invest in nationally significant sites that in turn spur regional economic development.
What We Do...

Engaged more than 52,000 volunteers in community projects with nearly 840,000 hours of service commitment. That’s an estimated value of nearly $23 million.

Piloted more than 200 unique education programs reaching more than 600,000 people.

Created new outdoor recreational opportunities and connections to public lands through 880 miles of new trails and maintained nearly 200 miles of waterways and historical canals.

Collectively NHA programs have leveraged more than $55 million of investment in regional economic development.